The Lovers Film Festival is the oldest festival that deals with LGBTQI themes: we’re talking about the themes concerning lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transsexuals, queers and intersex people. It is directed by Vladimir Luxuria and will take place in Turin from 22 to 25 October 2020 at Cinema Massimo, the National Cinema Museum’s multiplex. The festival relies on an the artist Leo Ortolani’s new visual, on a new award and on the participation of several special guests among which Luca Tommassini.
It was Leo Ortolani, an italian famous cartoonist, who created and donated to the festival the 2020 image on the occasion of the 35th birthday (see the attached file). It is inspired by Fellini Dolce Vita and is an iconic reconstruction of the LGBTQ mythology with all its most characteristic, basic elements. In the middle there’s Cinzia, the protagonist with platinum blonde hair who bathes in the fountain: she represents the iconic, imaginative trans transposition of Anita Ekberg.
The Lovers Film Festival can rely on many exceptional personalities among which the dancer, actor, choreographer, director and artistic director Luca Tommassini. On October 24 at 22.30 he will be the protagonist of the talk in Sala Cabiria with Vladimir Luxuria Una vita in movimento, during which his international successful carrier as a dancer and choreographer will be retraced through his videos and films.
At the three competitive sections of the festival– All The Lovers, the International Feature film competition; Real Lovers, the International Documentary Contest; Future Lovers, the International Short Film Competition– and at the special award dedicated to Giò Stajano that Lovers, from an idea of the writer Willy Vaira and of Claudio Carossa, dedicates to the memory of Giò Stajano, the Turin Pride award is added and it will be assigned to films in competition and non-competing films, considered more effective in addressing the activism and/or self-determination issues. The cash award is strongly desired by the Turin Pride Coordination; the reality that brings together the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered associations in Piedmont , along with non-LGBT associations involved in the support of the values of secularity, of respect for difference and that for years is part of Ilga Europe. This award was created to enshrine the pivotal role that the cinema plays in the rights struggle.
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