39° LFF


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Cinema Massimo - Sala Cabiria
With Maria Grazia Cucinotta, Guest of Honor, Natascia Maesi, Arcigay's Chairperson, and Vladimir Luxuria.

Live set: Tekemaya.

Attending: Juan Pablo Di Pace, Director, Oscar Morgan and Julia Bender, actors.

by Juan Pablo Di Pace, Andrés Pepe Estrada

Country: USA, Year: 2024, Duration: 108'

There is something sacred about falling in love for the first time: a totalizing experience that we cannot live again once it is over. Matias, a 40-year-old Argentinian director, is struggling with an unfinished film inspired by his first love: the subject is Alexander, a Swedish friend he met at an international school in Istria in the 1990s. When Alexander is suddenly expelled from school, Matias has to find his way through emotions unspoken to the world and to himself. This meta-cinematic coming-of-age tale, based on a true story, will have its world premiere at Lovers.
