
Lovers Film Festival

The 40th edition of the Lovers Film Festival will take place at the Cinema Massimo from April 10th to April 17th, 2025.

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your movie

Registration is open to participate in the selections of films that wish to participate in the 39th edition of the Lovers Film Festival.The deadline for film submissions is March 5, 2025.



The accreditation application procedure for the 40th edition of the Lovers Film Festival is open. The Festival will take place from April 10th to April 17th, 2025. Applications must be submitted by April 4th, 2025.


Journalists, freelance journalists, press agents, photographers and cameramen can apply for accreditation.


The professional/industry accreditation may be granted for work or study-related reasons to those who apply.

Lovers Film Festival



Film Festival

It was 1981 when Ottavio Mai and Giovanni Minerba, released their first film “Dalla vita di Piero”, which was acclaimed at the Cinema Giovani film festival of Turin and was presented in a number of international festivals. It was a film that definitively broke away from the stereotyped portrayal of homosexuals in the cinema of the time, where they appeared only in marginal roles, reduced to stock “comic” characters and social rejects. It was the success of this film that inspired Mai and Minerba to create an international festival of films on homosexual themes, “Da Sodoma a Hollywood” (From Sodom to Hollywood). After they had tried for several years to stage this cinema review, in 1986 it was finally recognised as a significant cultural event, thanks to Marziano Marzano, the anticonformist Councillor for Culture for the City of Torino, and also obtained financial backing from the governments of the Provincia di Torino and Regione Piemonte. The event became officially a Festival in 1989 and was recognised by the Ministry for Tourism and the Entertainment Industry in 1990. Since 2006 the Festival has been managed by a foundation - Fondazione Maria Adriana Prolo - Museo Nazionale del Cinema di Torino. Universally acknowledged to be one of the major Italian cinema events of international renown, this Festival is the oldest LGBT-themed festival in Europe and the 3rd oldest in the world.The current director is Vladimir Luxuria.

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Museo Nazionale del Cinema

National Museum

of Cinema

Housed inside the Mole Antonelliana, the historic building that is the symbol of Turin, the Museo Nazionale del Cinema is considered one of the most important cinema museums in the world, thanks to the unique contents of its collections and the wide range of research and educational activities it is involved in. The museum is also unique for the very distinctive layout of its exhibition areas, which are arranged in a spiral from the ground floor upwards, with displays on multiple levels. So that even the presentation of its fascinating collections is dramatic and spectacular, taking the visitor on an enthralling, interactive journey through the history of movie-making, from its earliest days to modern times.
